Top 15 indicators that your nonprofit should be looking at partnering, collaborating, or merging.
Readiness Indicators
Increased demand for services.
Desire to increase capacity in a short timeframe.
Difficulty having a measurable positive impact on your mission.
Needed cost cutting may significantly impact your ability to deliver on your mission
Recently collaborated on a project with another nonprofit organization successfully.
Your key financial and organizational health indicators are trending down and have been for 1+years.
You need complimentary services to expand your reach that you know another entity provides.
External environment shifts are beginning to, or may, have a negative impact on your organization.
Recent changes, or loss, in senior or staff and volunteer leadership presents an opportunity to look at formal partnerships.
You don’t see an easy solution to reaching the scale needed to react to critical market changes or opportunities.
Competition among other NPOs in your field is segmenting the donor and constituency base.
Recent consolidation among entities related to your mission results in loss of market share.
Not enough resources, human and fiscal, to innovate and institute new programs and technologies.
You feel some major reorganization shift from your national organization, or support base, is on the horizon and you wish to get in front of that movement.
You and your sister entities have multiple redundant activities/programs and you are all seeking money from the same sources.
When one or more of these indicators is present, connect with McCormick Group to learn what next steps could be and what is required to effect positive change. McCormick Group has helped more than 300 nonprofits advance missions and safeguard survival in a radically changing philanthropic environment. Our approach is transparent and considerate, guiding organizations to realize healthy growth.